Wednesday, July 13, 2016

surprise vacay

Today we left Bangkok early in the morning for a surprise vacation that Dad took us on. I managed to get on the plane without having a clue as to where we were going, which was actually quite challenging! I slept quite a bit through the flight so my time estimation skills were not that great either... When I looked out the window as we were starting to land, it looked pretty much like paradise and then we arrived in the Maldives! Customs took our Moët & Chandon champagne but we're apparently getting it back when we go back to the airport...? Then we went to the hotel's airport lobby and went on a pretty bumpy boat ride to our island. There's only our hotel on the island and when we arrived we went to explore it a little bit before taking a swim and having lunch in the sun. It looks like there are some pretty dreamy photo ops here! I can't wait to start taking pictures and going for some water sport and snorkelling!

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