Wednesday, February 01, 2017

kokkeriet part 1

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Here are some of the dishes we had at Kokkeriet last night. It truly was a magical evening and I actually liked everything that we had. Usually that's rather tricky because I dislike poultry, lamb and all innards... Anyway, the interior was beautiful, the service was good and the food was superb. Here's what he had (from above). The 1st snack was crispy onions, smoked cheese and löjrom, 2nd snack was cod and beetroot, 3rd was a modern take on the classis Danish hen salad, 4th was cured beef, crispy potato and pickled cucumber and the 5th was a liquid Waldorf salad. Then we had an amuse bouche consisting of crab, cabbage and chamomile. Then we had our first test dish consisting of lumpfish roe and some other things that I unfortunately do not recall. Then we had our 1st dish consisting of scallop, pear and verbena and the 2nd one consisting of pike-perch, yellow peas and pine. These two last dishes were definitely my favourites of all the starters! The roe dishes were also phenomenal. Well, I'm a huge seafood fan so I was really happy with the amount of fish and shellfish! The next courses are coming up when I've written the menu in the post.

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